Loaded with fall flavor, apple brownies mix up as quickly as the chocolate version -- just the thing for a school bake sale. Any sweet, firm variety of...
Looking for the perfect gluten-free brownie recipe? Look no further! Try these amazing chocolate brownies that melt in your mouth. No need for fancy gluten-free...
Skipping wheat flour doesn't have to mean forgoing decadent baked goods. These rich, nutty brownies are irresistible -- and easy to make. Don't worry about...
Adorable jars with decorative instruction tags are sure to please, and this delicious brownie mix is the perfect gift for any occasion. Have a baked batch...
The recipe for these moist, delicious brownies has been in my family for as long as I can remember. It is a winner with everyone and is a great bake sale...
These are absolutely beautiful moist and delicious red velvet brownies! Perfect for red velvet cake lovers; adds a different twist to a traditional red...
This is a delicious cookie recipe. My nephew and niece cannot stop eating them! Deliciously chocolatey goodness in every bite. The best part is, they are...
I love chocolate brownies! These brownies are not only dark, rich, and delicious, but they are also gluten-free, dairy-free and healthier for you, using...
This is a simple variation on a chocolate brownie recipe that my mother made me growing up, which originally came from my grandmother. I am a big white...
A close girlfriend's mom used to own a coffee shop and sold these brownies. They were so delicious! I asked her for the recipe and every time I serve them...
I modified an old family favorite recipe upon going gluten-free. It is easy and super yummy and naughty. If you prefer to use a premade GF flour mix instead...
When lining the pan, press the foil neatly into the corners, and smooth the bottom and sides. If necessary, brush sides of pan with butter to help foil...
Martha came across the recipe for these incredibly moist and delicious brownies in a cookbook. As it turns out, the recipe was developed by Elisabeth Luard,...
Who doesn't love chocolate and peppermint brownies? These are rich and decadent and it'll be hard not to eat the whole pan in a sitting! Top with crushed...
I worked from several recipes to come up with this one when I wanted brownies one day, but had run out of eggs. It didn't come out at all as I expected,...
This is a great quick fix for a chocolate craving! Because it's microwaved it is different than traditional brownie and has a very moist, pudding-like...
This is a great family activity to enjoy with your little cook and about anyone you can find. It is a great party favor that anyone will love. Serve with...
These chocolaty treats are topped with a chewy layer of marshmallows, nuts, and even more chocolate. The kids will hardly be able to wait until the brownies...
You won't believe how chocolate-y and moist these brownies are. I like to make them in mini muffin cups with mini foil cupcake liners. Dust them with powdered...